Process, Roles, Responsibilities, and Guidelines

This project identifies the following member roles:

  • Technical Steering Committee
  • Committers
  • Contributors

Please refer to the charter for the definitions and responsibilities of these roles.

Committers can additionally elect members to serve in a maintainer role. A maintainer is responsible for a repository from a technical perspective, ensuring code quality, robustness, and functionality of the code. They are responsible for managing pull requests, software depdendencies, documentation, releases, changelogs, and coordination within the team of committers and contributors.


Contributing guidelines

A mailing list may be set up in the future. For now, please send a pull request and/or raise an issue on the repository.

Coding style guidelines

Please follow this coding style. For convenience we provide an uncrustify configuration.


All discussions pertaining to the SEDIMENT-lfproject are mediated through github issues



Ta Chen Zahir Patni