SEDIMENT on Zephyr-based Devices
Copyright (c) 2023 Peraton Labs
Distribution A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
This material is based upon work supported by the DARPA OPS-5G program under contract number HR001120C0156. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA.
Follow the instructions at Zephyr to set up both Zephyr and its SDK. The following description refers to zephyrproject/zephyr as $ZEPHYR and the sediment installation directory as $SEDIMENT.
SEDIMENT Customizations
Create in zephyr a symbolic link to the root of the sediment repository.
$ cd $ZEPHYR
$ ln -s $SEDIMENT .
To build a SEDIMENT app, do the following.
Change directory to zephyr
$ cd $ZEPHYR
Set board environment variable, efm32gg_stk3701a for Giant Gecko.
$ export BOARD=efm32gg_stk3701a
Use the following command to build sediment for Giant Gecko. The –pristine argument can be omitted for subsequent build for the same board and app. If successful, the image will be left in build/zephyr/zephyr.hex or zephyr.bin.
$ west build sediment/apps/giant --pristine
If the BOARD environment variable is not set, add
-b <BOARD>
to the command
$ west build -b efm32gg_stk3701a sediment/apps/giant --pristine
The build will fail because of configuration errors. Copy the correct configurations as follows (replace giant with stm for STM32F767ZI).
$ cp $SEDIMENT/apps/giant/doc/dot.config build/zephyr/.config
Rebuild without the –pristine option
$ west build -b efm32gg_stk3701a sediment/apps/giant
To install SEDIMENT on a device, do the following.
Change directory to zephyr
$ cd $ZEPHYR
Connect the Giant Gecko to the host computer using USB and run the command below
$ west flash
Once the flashing is completed, the device will reset and start running. Note that, for Giant Gecko, SEGGER J-Link needs to be installed on the host. If not, download it from J-Link and follow the instructions to install.
As initially built, default board ID, server IP addresses and ports and other settings are included. To provision a device, prepare a configuration file, based on the sample, e.g., in $SEDIMENT/configs/boards/gg-01. Changes the options (IP address, in particular) appropriately.
Connect the board to the host PC.
Open a serial terminal app, e.g. minicom or gtkterm, and connect to the detected deivce, e.g. at /dev/ttyACM0
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
In a separate terminal, run the provisioning script and give the configuration file as an argument as follows.
$ python $SEDIMENT/utils/ provision $SEDIMENT/configs/boards/gg-01
This will write, via UART, the configurations into the board’s non-volatile memory, from which sediments loads the power-on settings. These settings remain on the boards even after the sediment app is updated or the device is power-cycled.
Monitoring Output
Use a serial terminal, e.g. minicom on Linux or putty on Windows, to monitor the messages with the following settings:
Speed: 115200
Data: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
On Linux, do the following, assuming the deivce is detected at /dev/ttyACM0.
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
Review Test Configuration to see how to set up the servers and test it together with the device.